ICs extracted from the EAGLE suite of simulations. WARNING: The ICs are 460MB in size. They contain ~6.5M DM particles, ~6M gas particles and ~250k star particles. The particle distribution here is the snapshot 27 (z=0.1) of the 12Mpc Ref-model. h- and a- factors from the original Gadget code have been corrected for. Variables not used in a pure hydro & gravity code have been removed. Everything is ready to be run without cosmological integration. The particle load of the main EAGLE simulation can be reproduced by running these ICs on 8 cores. MD5 checksum of the ICs: 6f96624175df28f2c4a02265b871b3d5 EAGLE_ICs_12.hdf5 A second example is set up to run with `./run_rt_test.sh`. It makes use of the `eagle_12_rt_test.yml` file, and is intended to stress-test the RT implementation rather than produce actual physically meaningful results. o To use GEAR-RT, configure SWIFT with --with-stars=basic --with-hydro=gizmo-mfv --with-riemann-solver=hllc --with-rt=GEAR_1 --with-rt-riemann-solver=GLF --with-feedback=none [technically, any other feedback scheme should work as well.] [the .yml file is set up to handle up to 3 photon groups, so you could also be compiling with --with-rt=GEAR_3 if you want to test more photon groups as well.] o To use the DEBUG RT scheme, configure SWIFT with --with-stars=basic --with-rt=debug --with-feedback=none [technically, any other feedback scheme should work as well.]