This directory contains initial conditions generated for the EAGLE suite of simulations. The cosmology, resolution and phases are the same as used in the original suite. The only difference is the file format, adapted for SWIFT. For standard runs, the code should be configured with --with-subgrid=EAGLE-XL --with-hydro=sphenix --with-kernel=wendland-C2 (and any other optimization, library or compiler parameters specific to your system.) Compared to the original EAGLE runs of Schaye et al. 2015), the following changes have been made (at standard resolution): - The flavour of SPH has been changed from the Pressure-Entropy "ANARCHY" implementation to the Density-energy based "SPHENIX" implementation of Borrow+20. - The dark matter softening lengths have been increased to 1.3 pkpc and 3.32 ckpc. The comoving baryon softening lengths have been changed to 1.79 ckpc. This follows the recommendations of Ludlow et al. 2019. Old values were 0.7 pkpc and 2.69 ckpc for all the particle species. - The minimal smoothing length of SPH particles has been reduced to 0.01 of the softening length (was 0.1). - SPH particles reaching a mass larger than 7*10^6 Msun (~4x the initial gas particle mass) are now split into 2 equal mass particles within the smoothing length of the original particle. - The metallicity-dependent density threshold for star formation uses the smoothed metallicities and not the raw metallicities any more. - The cooling uses the Ploeckinger+20 tables including an updated UV background, newer version of CLOUDY and self-shielding (was using the Wiersma+09 tables before). - The redshift of H reionization has been lowered to 7.5 (from 11.5). - The entropy floor between n_H = 10^-5 and 10^-1 cm^3 at 8000K has been removed as the new cooling tables handle this correctly. The gamma=4/3 floor has been extended to lower densities (i.e. 800K at n_H = 10^-4 cm^-3) as a fail-safe. - Particles within 0.3 dex of the entropy floor get their subgrid properties (rho, T as well as the HI and H_2 frac) computed assuming pressure equilibrium. - Particles are star-forming if their subgrid temperature is below 10^3 K OR if they are both colder than 10^4.5 K and have a subgrid number density above 10 cm^-3. - Particles can be star-forming if they are in an over-density of at least 100 (was 57.7). - Particles with a density above 10^5 cm^-3 are not turned into stars instantaneously any more. - The normalisation of the SF law at high densities has been corrected from the original code where the break in slope of the K-S law also led to a jump. This change of slope is not used anymore (was a K-S slope of 2 at volume particle densities > 10^3 cm^-3). - The minimal mass of SNII stars has been raised to 8 Msun (from 6). - The SNII feedback heats the particle closest to the star particle (was a random set of particles in the kernel). - The SNII feedback delay is done by sampling the stellar age distribution and not using a fixed delay of 30 Myr any more. - The density and metallicity used for the f_th scaling of the SNII feedback are now computed at the time of feedback from the gas neighbours and are not the birth quantities any more. - The halo mass for BH seeding has been lowered to 10^10 M_sun (from 10^10/h Msun). - The BH seed mass (subgrid mass at birth) has been lowered to 10^4 Msun (from 10^5/h Msun). - The black hole accretion rate is now limited to 100% of the Eddington rate (from 100/h = 150 %). - The circular velocity threshold for BH mergers is measured at the actual distance linking the BHs not at the kernel support length any more. - When two BHs merge, the one with the largest subgrid mass swallows the other one (not the one with the largest ID anymore). - The BHs can reposition only onto gas particles and BH particles (not onto any type as before). - No limit is imposed any more on the velocity (w.r.t. the BH) of the gas particles onto which the BHs can reposition. - BHs of all masses can be repositioned (was limited to M_BH < 1.8*10^8 Msun). - BHs do not swallow gas particles any more. They nibble small amounts of mass from the eligible neighbours within their kernel. - Gas particles can be nibbled down to 50% of their initial mass. - The angular momentum term in the BH accretion model of Rosas-Guevara et al. (2015) is now switched off. - The BHs compute a time-step length based on their accretion rate with a minimum time-step length of 10^5 years. - The AGN feedback heats the particles closest to the BH particle (was a random set of particles in the kernel). - The AGN does not use a combination of probability and reservoir any more. Energy is accumulated and then used in a deterministic way once the threshold for feedback is reached. - The free parameters in the SN feedback efficiency function, boost of the AGN accretion, coupling efficieny, and AGN heating temperatures have been calibrated to match the z=0 stellar mass function, and mass-size relation. The procedure used to obtain the values of these parameters is described in Borrow et al. (in prep.) The scripts in this directory download the tables required to run the EAGLE model. Plotting scripts are also provided for basic quantities. To use the cooling model based on the Wiersma+09 tables, replace EAGLE-XL by EAGLE in the configuration command line. The tables can then be loaded using the script. VELOCIraptor can be run on the output. The code is compiled using cmake -DVR_USE_GAS=ON -DVR_USE_STAR=ON -DV_USE_BH=ON and run using stf -C vrconfig_3dfof_subhalos_SO_hydro.cfg -i eagle_0036 -o halos_0036 -I 2