################################################################################ # This file is part of SWIFT. # Copyright (c) 2018 Bert Vandenbroucke (bert.vandenbroucke@gmail.com) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ################################################################################ import h5py from numpy import * # Generates a swift IC file for the 1D Zeldovich pancake # Parameters T_i = 100.0 # Initial temperature of the gas (in K) z_c = 1.0 # Redshift of caustic formation (non-linear collapse) z_i = 100.0 # Initial redshift gamma = 5.0 / 3.0 # Gas adiabatic index numPart_1D = 32 # Number of particles along each dimension fileName = "zeldovichPancake.hdf5" # Some units Mpc_in_m = 3.08567758e22 Msol_in_kg = 1.98848e30 Gyr_in_s = 3.08567758e19 mH_in_kg = 1.6737236e-27 # Some constants kB_in_SI = 1.38064852e-23 G_in_SI = 6.67408e-11 # Some useful variables in h-full units H_0 = 1.0 / Mpc_in_m * 10 ** 5 # h s^-1 rho_0 = 3.0 * H_0 ** 2 / (8 * math.pi * G_in_SI) # h^2 kg m^-3 lambda_i = 64.0 / H_0 * 10 ** 5 # h^-1 m (= 64 h^-1 Mpc) x_min = -0.5 * lambda_i x_max = 0.5 * lambda_i # SI system of units unit_l_in_si = Mpc_in_m unit_m_in_si = Msol_in_kg * 1.0e10 unit_t_in_si = Gyr_in_s unit_v_in_si = unit_l_in_si / unit_t_in_si unit_u_in_si = unit_v_in_si ** 2 # Total number of particles numPart = numPart_1D ** 3 # --------------------------------------------------- # Get the frequency of the initial perturbation k_i = 2.0 * pi / lambda_i # Get the redshift prefactor for the initial positions zfac = (1.0 + z_c) / (1.0 + z_i) # Set box size and interparticle distance boxSize = x_max - x_min delta_x = boxSize / numPart_1D # Get the particle mass a_i = 1.0 / (1.0 + z_i) m_i = boxSize ** 3 * rho_0 / numPart # Build the arrays coords = zeros((numPart, 3)) v = zeros((numPart, 3)) ids = linspace(1, numPart, numPart) m = zeros(numPart) h = zeros(numPart) u = zeros(numPart) # Set the particles on the left for i in range(numPart_1D): for j in range(numPart_1D): for k in range(numPart_1D): index = i * numPart_1D ** 2 + j * numPart_1D + k q = x_min + (i + 0.5) * delta_x coords[index, 0] = q - zfac * sin(k_i * q) / k_i - x_min coords[index, 1] = (j + 0.5) * delta_x coords[index, 2] = (k + 0.5) * delta_x T = T_i * (1.0 / (1.0 - zfac * cos(k_i * q))) ** (2.0 / 3.0) u[index] = kB_in_SI * T / (gamma - 1.0) / mH_in_kg h[index] = 1.2348 * delta_x m[index] = m_i v[index, 0] = -H_0 * (1.0 + z_c) / sqrt(1.0 + z_i) * sin(k_i * q) / k_i v[index, 1] = 0.0 v[index, 2] = 0.0 # Unit conversion coords /= unit_l_in_si v /= unit_v_in_si m /= unit_m_in_si h /= unit_l_in_si u /= unit_u_in_si boxSize /= unit_l_in_si # File file = h5py.File(fileName, "w") # Header grp = file.create_group("/Header") grp.attrs["BoxSize"] = [boxSize, boxSize, boxSize] grp.attrs["NumPart_Total"] = [numPart, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] grp.attrs["NumPart_Total_HighWord"] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] grp.attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"] = [numPart, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] grp.attrs["Time"] = 0.0 grp.attrs["NumFilesPerSnapshot"] = 1 grp.attrs["MassTable"] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] grp.attrs["Flag_Entropy_ICs"] = 0 grp.attrs["Dimension"] = 3 # Units grp = file.create_group("/Units") grp.attrs["Unit length in cgs (U_L)"] = 100.0 * unit_l_in_si grp.attrs["Unit mass in cgs (U_M)"] = 1000.0 * unit_m_in_si grp.attrs["Unit time in cgs (U_t)"] = 1.0 * unit_t_in_si grp.attrs["Unit current in cgs (U_I)"] = 1.0 grp.attrs["Unit temperature in cgs (U_T)"] = 1.0 # Particle group grp = file.create_group("/PartType0") grp.create_dataset("Coordinates", data=coords, dtype="d") grp.create_dataset("Velocities", data=v, dtype="f") grp.create_dataset("Masses", data=m, dtype="f") grp.create_dataset("SmoothingLength", data=h, dtype="f") grp.create_dataset("InternalEnergy", data=u, dtype="f") grp.create_dataset("ParticleIDs", data=ids, dtype="L") file.close() # import pylab as pl # pl.plot(coords[:,0], v[:,0], "k.") # pl.show()