Cosmological version of the standard Sod shock test. In the co-moving coordinates that SWIFT uses, the Euler equations of hydrodynamics have an elegant form with a few additional factors that involve the scale factor a. For the specific case of a polytropic index gamma = 5/3, all additional factors are in fact the same: 1/a^2. For this case, hydrodynamics in the co-moving frame is identical to hydrodynamics in a physical non-cosmological frame with a rescaled time variable dt'=a^2*dt. We choose an Einstein-de Sitter cosmology with H(a)=H_0*a^(3/2) and a box size of 1 pc and rescale the Sod shock initial conditions so that the internal coordinates, density and pressure values are still the same as for the original Sod shock in the non-cosmological case. We then evolve the initial condition from z=999 to z=960.5, which corresponds to a rescaled time interval dt'~0.12. If the co-moving coordinates are implemented correctly, the resulting co-moving density, internal velocity and co-moving pressure profiles should match those for the non-co-moving variables in the ordinary non-cosmological Sod shock at t=0.12.