import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import swiftsimio import sys import glob import unyt import numpy as np try:"../../../tools/stylesheets/mnras.mplstyle") except: print("Can't find Matplotlib stylesheet.") ## read command line arguments snapshot_name = sys.argv[1] ################# Read in observational data data_schaye = np.genfromtxt( "./datasets/schaye_et_al_2000_thermal_history.dat", skip_header=2 ) data_walther = np.genfromtxt( "./datasets/walther_et_al_2019_thermal_history.dat", skip_header=2 ) data_schaye = data_schaye.T data_walther = data_walther.T schaye_z_lower_error = data_schaye[0] - data_schaye[1] schaye_z_upper_error = data_schaye[2] - data_schaye[0] schaye_T_lower_error = np.log10(data_schaye[3] * 1.0e4) - np.log10( data_schaye[4] * 1.0e4 ) schaye_T_upper_error = np.log10(data_schaye[5] * 1.0e4) - np.log10( data_schaye[3] * 1.0e4 ) walther_T_lower_error = np.log10(data_walther[1] * 1.0e4) - np.log10( data_walther[2] * 1.0e4 ) walther_T_upper_error = np.log10(data_walther[3] * 1.0e4) - np.log10( data_walther[1] * 1.0e4 ) ############### Read in simulation data density_units = "Solar_Mass / Mpc**3" temperature_units = "K" ## First, get list of all snapshots reg_exp = "%s*.hdf5" % snapshot_name snap_list = glob.glob(reg_exp) snap_data = sorted( [swiftsimio.load(snap) for snap in snap_list], key=lambda x: x.metadata.z ) z = np.empty(len(snap_data), dtype=np.float32) T_mean = unyt.unyt_array(np.empty_like(z), units=temperature_units) T_std = unyt.unyt_array(np.empty_like(z), units=temperature_units) rho_mean = unyt.unyt_array(np.empty_like(z), units=density_units) rho_std = unyt.unyt_array(np.empty_like(z), units=density_units) ## loop through list for index, data in enumerate(snap_data): # Stick redshift in a list z[index] = data.metadata.z # Convert units to something sensible so `np.mean` doesn't freak out data.gas.temperatures.convert_to_units(temperature_units) data.gas.densities.convert_to_units(density_units) # Get mean and standard deviation of temperature T_mean[index] = np.mean(data.gas.temperatures) T_std[index] = np.std(data.gas.temperatures) # Get mean and standard deviation of density rho_mean[index] = np.mean(data.gas.densities) rho_std[index] = np.std(data.gas.densities) ## Put Density into units of mean baryon density today # first calculate rho_bar_0 from snapshot metadata data = snap_data[0] cosmology = data.metadata.cosmology H0 = unyt.unyt_quantity.from_astropy(cosmology.H0) Omega_bar = unyt.unyt_quantity(cosmology.Ob0) ### now calculate rho_bar_0 and divide through rho_bar_0 = 3.0 * H0 ** 2 / (8.0 * np.pi * unyt.G) * Omega_bar rho_mean /= rho_bar_0 rho_std /= rho_bar_0 ### from the first snapshot, get code information code_info = data.metadata.code git_branch = code_info["Git Branch"].decode("UTF-8") git_revision = code_info["Git Revision"].decode("UTF-8") hydro_metadata = data.metadata.hydro_scheme scheme = hydro_metadata["Scheme"].decode("UTF-8") params = data.metadata.parameters subgrid_metadata = data.metadata.subgrid_scheme cooling_model = subgrid_metadata["Cooling Model"].decode("UTF-8") chemistry_model = subgrid_metadata["Chemistry Model"].decode("UTF-8") if cooling_model == "EAGLE": z_r_H = float(params["EAGLECooling:H_reion_z"]) H_heat_input = float(params["EAGLECooling:H_reion_eV_p_H"]) z_r_He_centre = float(params["EAGLECooling:He_reion_z_centre"]) z_r_He_sigma = float(params["EAGLECooling:He_reion_z_sigma"]) He_heat_input = float(params["EAGLECooling:He_reion_eV_p_H"]) if chemistry_model == "EAGLE": metallicity = float(params["EAGLEChemistry:init_abundance_metal"]) else: metallicity = "Unknown" # Make plot of temperature evolution -------------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) # Plot sim properties if cooling_model == "EAGLE": ax.axvline(z_r_H, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, lw=0.7, zorder=-1) ax.text( z_r_H + 0.1, 3.55, "H reion.", rotation=90, alpha=0.5, fontsize=7, va="bottom" ) ax.axvline(z_r_He_centre, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, lw=0.7, zorder=-1) ax.text( z_r_He_centre + 0.1, 3.55, "HeII reion.", rotation=90, alpha=0.5, fontsize=7, va="bottom", ) # Plot observational data ax.errorbar( data_schaye[0], np.log10(data_schaye[3] * 1.0e4), xerr=[schaye_z_lower_error, schaye_z_upper_error], yerr=[schaye_T_lower_error, schaye_T_upper_error], fmt="s", mec="0.3", color="0.3", markersize=4, markeredgewidth=0.5, linewidth=0.5, mfc="w", label="Schaye et al. (2000)", ) ax.errorbar( data_walther[0], np.log10(data_walther[1] * 1.0e4), yerr=[walther_T_lower_error, walther_T_upper_error], fmt=".", mec="0.3", color="0.3", markersize=7, markeredgewidth=0.5, linewidth=0.5, mfc="w", label="Walther et al. (2019)", ) # Plot simulation ax.plot(z, np.log10(T_mean)) # Legend ax.legend(loc="upper right", frameon=True) ax.text( 0.025, 0.975, "SWIFT %s \nCooling model: %s \n$\\rho=%.3f$ $\\Omega_{b}\\rho_{crit,0}$\n$Z=%s$" % (git_revision, cooling_model, rho_mean[-1], metallicity), va="top", ha="left", bbox={"fc": "white", "ec": "none"}, transform=plt.gca().transAxes, zorder=1, ) ax.set_xlim(0, 12.2) ax.set_ylim(3.5, 4.85) ax.set_xlabel("Redshift", labelpad=-0.5) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(T/K)$", labelpad=0) fig.savefig("Temperature_evolution.png") # Make plot of density evolution -------------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) ax.text(0.2, 1.011, "SWIFT %s" % git_revision, va="top", ha="left", fontsize=8) ax.fill_between(z, rho_mean - rho_std, rho_mean + rho_std, alpha=0.5) ax.plot(z, rho_mean) ax.axhline(y=1.0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.5, lw=1.0) ax.set_xlim(0.0, 12.2) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\delta_b = \rho / \Omega_b\rho_{crit,0}$", labelpad=0.0) ax.set_ylim(0.988, 1.012) ax.set_yticks([0.99, 1.0, 1.01]) ax.set_xlabel("Redshift", labelpad=-0.5) fig.savefig("Density_evolution.png")