.. Sink particles in GEAR model Darwin Roduit, 14 July 2024 .. sink_GEAR_model: Snapshots ouputs ---------------- Here, we provide a summary of the quantities written in the snapshots, in addition to positions, velocities, masses and particle IDs. Sink particles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Description | Units | Comments | +=======================================+=====================================+===========+===================================================+ | ``NumberOfSinkSwallows`` | | Number of sink merger events | [-] | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``NumberOfGasSwallows`` | | Number of gas swallowed | [-] | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``TargetMass`` | | Sink target mass to spawn the | [U_M] | | You can use it to determine if the target mass | | | | next star particle | | | is so huge that the sink's mass cannot spawn | | | | | | | such a star. Such rare behaviour may bias the | | | | | | | IMF towards high masses. | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``Nstars`` | | Number of stars created by the | [-] | | | | | the sink particles | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``SwallowedAngularMomentum`` | | Total angular momentum swallowed | [U_M U_L | | | | | by the sink particles | ^2 U_T | | | | | | ^-1] | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``MetalMassFractions`` | | Mass fraction of each metal | [-] | | Array of length ``N`` for each particles. The | | | | element | | | number of elements ``N`` is determined at | | | | | | | compile time by ``--with-chemistry=GEAR_N``. | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``BirthScaleFactors`` | | Scale-factors when the sinks were | [-] | Only used in cosmological runs. | | | | born | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``BirthTimes`` | | Time when the sinks were | [U_T] | Only used in non-cosmological runs. | | | | born | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ Stars ~~~~~ +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Description | Units | Comments | +=======================================+=====================================+===========+===================================================+ | ``BirthScaleFactors`` | | Scale-factors when the stars were | [-] | Only used in cosmological runs. | | | | born | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``BirthTimes`` | | Time when the stars were | [U_T] | Only used in non-cosmological runs. | | | | born | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``BirthMasses`` | | Masses of the stars at brith time | [U_M] | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``ProgenitorIDs`` | | ID of the progenitor sinks | [-] | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``StellarParticleType`` | | Type of the stellar particle: | [-] | | The last type correspond to star particles in | | | | 0: (discrete) single star | | | the previous model, i.e. representing the full | | | | 1: continuous IMF part star | | | IMF | | | | 2: single population star | | | | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------+