import os if ( os.path.exists("efficiencies.png") and os.path.exists("modes.png") and os.path.exists("spec_ang_mom.png") and os.path.exists("spinup.png") ): # no need to rerun script exit() import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve def Z1(x): return 1 + (1 - x ** 2) ** 0.3333 * ( (1 + np.absolute(x)) ** 0.3333 + (1 - np.absolute(x)) ** 0.3333 ) def Z2(x): return np.sqrt(3 * x ** 2 + Z1(x) ** 2) def r_hor(x): return 1 + np.sqrt(1 - x ** 2) def r_isco(x): return 3 + Z2(x) - np.sign(x) * np.sqrt((3 - Z1(x)) * (3 + Z1(x) + 2 * Z2(x))) def eps_NT(x): return 1 - np.sqrt(1 - 2 / 3 * 1 / r_isco(x)) def eff_sd(m, a, limit): return limit - ( 1 / 10 * 1 / m * ( 0.985 / ((4.627 - 4.445 * a) ** -0.5524 + 1.6 * 1 / m) + 0.015 / ((827.3 - 718.1 * a) ** -0.706 + 1.6 * 1 / m) ) * (0.9663 - 0.9292 * a) ** -0.5693 ) / (1 - np.sqrt(1 - 2 / (3 * r_isco(a)))) def find_root(a, limit): return fsolve(eff_sd, x0=1, args=(a, limit))[0] def A(x): return (0.9663 - 0.9292 * x) ** -0.5693 def B(x): return (4.627 - 4.445 * x) ** -0.5524 def C(x): return (827.3 - 718.1 * x) ** -0.706 def m_dot_crit1(x, limit): C1 = C(x) / B(x) eps_1 = 16 * limit / (0.985 * A(x)) * eps_NT(x) N1 = 0.015 / 0.985 res1 = ( 1.6 / B(x) * 1 / (2 * C1 * eps_1) * ( np.sqrt( (C1 * (1 - eps_1) + N1 - eps_1) ** 2 + 4 * eps_1 * C1 * (N1 - eps_1 + 1) ) + C1 * (1 - eps_1) + N1 - eps_1 ) ) return res1 def m_dot_crit2(x, limit): C1 = C(x) / B(x) eps_1 = 16 * limit / (0.985 * A(x)) * eps_NT(x) N1 = 0.015 / 0.985 res1 = ( 1.6 / B(x) * 1 / (2 * C1 * eps_1) * ( -1 * np.sqrt( (C1 * (1 - eps_1) + N1 - eps_1) ** 2 + 4 * eps_1 * C1 * (N1 - eps_1 + 1) ) + C1 * (eps_1 - 1) + N1 - eps_1 ) ) return res1 def beta(alfa): return 1 / (1 + 2 * alfa) def gamma(alpha): return (8 - 3 * beta(alpha)) / (6 - 3 * beta(alpha)) def t1(alpha): return -0.2703 * gamma(alpha) + 1.3603 def t2(alpha): return -0.94 + 4.475 * (gamma(alpha) - 1.444) - 5.1402 * (gamma(alpha) - 1.444) ** 2 def t3(alpha): return -0.84 * np.log10(alpha) - 0.919 + 0.643 * np.exp(-0.209 / alpha) def t4(x): return (0.6365 * r_isco(x) - 0.4828) * (1 + 11.9 * np.exp(-0.838 * r_isco(x) ** 4)) def t5(x): return 1.444 * np.exp(-1.01 * r_isco(x) ** 0.86) + 0.1 def T(x, alpha): return ( 0.31 * (1 + (t4(x) / r_hor(x)) ** 0.9) ** (t2(alpha) + t3(alpha)) * 1 / (r_hor(x) - t5(x)) ** (t1(alpha)) ) def eta(x, alpha): return 1 + gamma(alpha) / (gamma(alpha) - 1) * T(x, alpha) def f1(x): return 0.0871 * r_isco(x) - 0.1082 def f2(alpha): return 0.5 - 7.798 * (gamma(alpha) - 1.333) ** 1.26 def f3(x): return 0.153 * (r_isco(x) - 0.6) ** 0.3 + 0.105 def f4(x, alpha): return ( f3(x) * (0.9 * gamma(alpha) - 0.2996) * (1.202 - 0.08 * (np.log10(alpha) + 2.5) ** 2.6) ) def f5(alpha): return -1.8 * gamma(alpha) + 4.299 - 0.018 + 0.018 * (np.log10(alpha) + 2) ** 3.571 def f6(x, alpha): return ( f4(x, alpha) * (((0.14 * np.log10(r_hor(x) ** f5(alpha)) + 0.23) / f4(x, alpha)) ** 10 + 1) ** 0.1 ) def L_adv(x, alpha): return ( f2(alpha) + (f1(x) + 10 ** f6(x, alpha)) * (1.15 - 0.03 * (np.log10(alpha) + 3) ** 2.37) ) / eta(x, alpha) def jet_eff(f_Edd, a): horizon_ang_vel = abs(a) / (2.0 * (1.0 + np.sqrt(1 - a * a))) phi = -20.2 * a ** 3 - 14.9 * a ** 2 + 34.0 * a + 52.6 phi = phi * (f_Edd / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (f_Edd / 1.88) ** 1.29) return ( 0.05 / (4.0 * np.pi) * phi ** 2 * horizon_ang_vel ** 2 * (1.0 + 1.38 * horizon_ang_vel ** 2 - 9.2 * horizon_ang_vel ** 4) ) def s_HD(f_Edd, a): xi = f_Edd * 0.017 s_min = 0.86 - 1.94 * a L_ISCO = 0.385 * (1.0 + 2.0 * np.sqrt(3.0 * r_isco(a) - 2.0)) s_thin = L_ISCO - 2.0 * a * (1.0 - eps_NT(a)) return (s_thin + s_min * xi) / (1 + xi) def s(f_Edd, a): horizon_ang_vel = abs(a) / (2.0 * (1.0 + np.sqrt(1 - a * a))) k_EM = 0.23 * np.ones(np.size(a)) k_EM[a > 0] = np.minimum(0.1 + 0.5 * a[a > 0], 0.35 * np.ones(np.size(a[a > 0]))) s_EM = ( -1 * a / abs(a) * jet_eff(f_Edd, a) * (1.0 / (k_EM * horizon_ang_vel) - 2.0 * a) ) return s_HD(f_Edd, a) + s_EM a = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.0001) mdotcrit1 = m_dot_crit1(a, 0.5) mdotcrit2 = m_dot_crit2(a, 0.5) m_a_90 = [find_root(x, 0.9) for x in a] m_a_75 = [find_root(x, 0.75) for x in a] m_a_50 = [find_root(x, 0.5) for x in a] import matplotlib import pylab matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))"classic") plt.fill_between(a, [0.0001 for x in a], [0.01 for x in a], color="blue", alpha=0.2) plt.fill_between(a, [0.01 for x in a], [1 for x in a], color="red", alpha=0.2) plt.fill_between(a, [1 for x in a], [375 for x in a], color="orange", alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel("$f_\mathrm{Edd}$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.xlabel("$a$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis="y", right=True, direction="in") plt.yscale("log") plt.axis([-1, 1, 0.0001, 100]) plt.text(-0.22, 0.0008, "Thick disk", fontsize=20) plt.text(-0.2, 0.08, "Thin disk", fontsize=20) plt.text(-0.2, 8, "Slim disk", fontsize=20) plt.minorticks_on() plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.savefig("modes.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() a = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.0001) phi = -20.2 * a ** 3 - 14.9 * a ** 2 + 34.0 * a + 52.6 horizon_ang_vel = a / (2 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2))) jet_factor = ( 0.05 / (4.0 * np.pi) * 1 / 0.3 * phi ** 2 * horizon_ang_vel ** 2 * (1.0 + 1.38 * horizon_ang_vel ** 2 - 9.2 * horizon_ang_vel ** 4) ) Z_1 = np.array( [ 1 + (1 - x ** 2) ** 0.333 * ((1 + abs(x)) ** 0.333 + (1 - abs(x)) ** 0.333) for x in a ] ) Z_2 = np.array(np.sqrt(3 * a ** 2 + Z_1 ** 2)) r_iso = 3 + Z_2 - np.sign(np.array(a)) * np.sqrt((3 - Z_1) * (3 + Z_1 + 2 * Z_2)) eps_TD = 1 - np.sqrt(1 - 2 / (3 * r_iso)) eps_ADAF1 = 0.144 * (6 / r_iso) * eps_TD * min(1, 0.028 / 0.0044) eps_ADAF2 = 0.144 * (6 / r_iso) * eps_TD * min(1, 0.001 / 0.0044) Jet_ADAF = jet_factor * 0.3 Jet_SD = 0.22 * jet_factor Jet_TD1 = 10 ** -3 * 0.1 ** (-0.1) * 100 ** 0.2 * 10 ** (2 * 0.1) * jet_factor Jet_TD2 = 10 ** -3 * 0.1 ** (-0.1) * 10 ** (-1 * 0.1) * jet_factor eps_SD1 = ( 1 / 10 * 1 / 1 * ( 0.985 / ((4.627 - 4.445 * a) ** -0.5524 + 1.6 * 1 / 1) + 0.015 / ((827.3 - 718.1 * a) ** -0.706 + 1.6 * 1 / 1) ) * (0.9663 - 0.9292 * a) ** -0.5693 ) eps_SD2 = ( 1 / 10 * 1 / 50 * ( 0.985 / ((4.627 - 4.445 * a) ** -0.5524 + 1.6 * 1 / 50) + 0.015 / ((827.3 - 718.1 * a) ** -0.706 + 1.6 * 1 / 50) ) * (0.9663 - 0.9292 * a) ** -0.5693 ) mdot_bh_ADAF1 = (1 - Jet_ADAF / 4.447) * (1 - eps_ADAF1 - Jet_ADAF) mdot_bh_ADAF2 = (1 - Jet_ADAF / 4.447) * (1 - eps_ADAF2 - Jet_ADAF) mdot_bh_ADAF3 = (1 - Jet_ADAF / 11.56) * (1 - eps_ADAF1 - Jet_ADAF) mdot_bh_ADAF4 = (1 - Jet_ADAF / 11.56) * (1 - eps_ADAF2 - Jet_ADAF) mdot_bh_TD1 = (1 - Jet_TD1 / 4.447) * (1 - eps_TD - Jet_TD1) mdot_bh_TD2 = (1 - Jet_TD2 / 4.447) * (1 - eps_TD - Jet_TD2) def omega(spin): return spin / (2 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - spin ** 2))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0, wspace=0.25) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1])"classic") plt.subplot(gs[0]) plt.plot( a, 100 * 0.005 * (1 + 3 * (phi / 50) ** 2 * (horizon_ang_vel / 0.2) ** 2), linewidth=2, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{wind,thick}$", color="blue", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * 0.1 * (1 - np.sqrt(1 - 2 / (3 * r_iso))), linewidth=2, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{f}\epsilon_\mathrm{rad,NT}$ $\mathrm{(thin}$ $\mathrm{disc})$", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * 0.0635 * (1 + ((1 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (1 / 1.88) ** 1.29) * phi / 50) ** 2) * np.maximum((1 - 8 * omega(a) ** 2 + 1 * omega(a)), np.zeros(np.size(a))), linestyle=":", linewidth=1.5, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{wind,slim},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=1$", color="orange", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * 0.0635 * (1 + ((10 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (10 / 1.88) ** 1.29) * phi / 50) ** 2) * np.maximum((1 - 8 * omega(a) ** 2 + 1 * omega(a)), np.zeros(np.size(a))), linestyle="-.", linewidth=1.5, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{wind,slim},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=10$", color="orange", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * 0.0635 * (1 + ((100 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (100 / 1.88) ** 1.29) * phi / 50) ** 2) * np.maximum((1 - 8 * omega(a) ** 2 + 1 * omega(a)), np.zeros(np.size(a))), linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{wind,slim},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=100$", color="orange", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * 0.0635 * (1 + ((1000 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (1000 / 1.88) ** 1.29) * phi / 50) ** 2) * np.maximum((1 - 8 * omega(a) ** 2 + 1 * omega(a)), np.zeros(np.size(a))), linestyle="-", linewidth=1.5, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{wind,slim},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=1000$", color="orange", ) plt.fill_between(a, eps_ADAF1, eps_ADAF2, color="red", alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel("$\epsilon_\mathrm{wind}$ $[\%]$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.xlabel("$a$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis="y", right=True, direction="in") pylab.legend(loc="upper left", prop={"size": 12}, ncol=2) plt.minorticks_on() plt.axis([-1, 1, 0, 25]) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.title("Wind efficiency", fontsize=16) plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.plot( a, 100 * Jet_ADAF, linewidth=2, label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet,thick}$", color="blue" ) plt.plot( a, 100 * Jet_ADAF * ((0.01 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (0.01 / 1.88) ** 1.29)) ** 2, linewidth=1.5, linestyle=":", label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet,thin},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=0.01$", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * Jet_ADAF * ((0.1 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (0.1 / 1.88) ** 1.29)) ** 2, linewidth=1.5, linestyle="-.", label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet,thin},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=0.1$", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * Jet_ADAF * ((1 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (1 / 1.88) ** 1.29)) ** 2, linewidth=1.5, linestyle="--", label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet,thin},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=1$", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * Jet_ADAF * ((10 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (10 / 1.88) ** 1.29)) ** 2, linewidth=1.5, linestyle="--", label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet,slim},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=10$", color="orange", ) plt.plot( a, 100 * Jet_ADAF * ((100 / 1.88) ** 1.29 / (1 + (100 / 1.88) ** 1.29)) ** 2 - 2, linewidth=1.5, linestyle="-", label="$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet,slim},$ $f_\mathrm{Edd}=100$", color="orange", ) plt.ylabel("$\epsilon_\mathrm{jet}$ $[\%]$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.xlabel("$a$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis="y", right=True, direction="in") pylab.legend(loc="upper left", prop={"size": 15}) plt.axis([-1, 1, 0, 200]) plt.minorticks_on() plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.title("Jet efficiency", fontsize=16) plt.savefig("efficiencies.png", bbox_inches="tight") L_isco1 = [2 / 3 * 1 / np.sqrt(3) * (1 + 2 * np.sqrt(3 * r_isco(x) - 2)) for x in a]"classic") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), linewidth=4) plt.plot(a, L_isco1, linewidth=2, label="$\ell_\mathrm{ISCO}$", color="red") plt.plot( a, 0.45 * np.array(L_isco1), linewidth=3, linestyle="--", label=r"$0.45\ell_\mathrm{ISCO}$", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, [L_adv(x, 0.1) for x in a], linewidth=2, label=r"$\ell_\mathrm{adv},\alpha=0.1$", color="green", ) plt.plot( a, [L_adv(x, 0.2) for x in a], linewidth=2, label=r"$\ell_\mathrm{adv},\alpha=0.2$", color="teal", ) plt.plot( a, [L_adv(x, 0.3) for x in a], linewidth=2, label=r"$\ell_\mathrm{adv},\alpha=0.3$", color="purple", ) plt.ylabel("$\ell_\mathrm{in}$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.xlabel("$a$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis="y", right=True, direction="in") plt.legend(loc="upper right", prop={"size": 14}) plt.minorticks_on() plt.axis([-1, 1, 0, 5]) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.savefig("spec_ang_mom.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() z1 = np.array( [ 1 + (1 - x ** 2) ** 0.333 * ((1 + abs(x)) ** 0.333 + (1 - abs(x)) ** 0.333) for x in a ] ) z2 = np.array(np.sqrt(3 * a ** 2 + z1 ** 2)) r_iso = 3 + z2 - np.sign(np.array(a)) * np.sqrt((3 - z1) * (3 + z1 + 2 * z2)) phi = -20.2 * a ** 3 - 14.9 * a ** 2 + 34.0 * a + 52.6 horizon_ang_vel = a / (2 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2))) jet_factor = ( 0.05 / (4.0 * np.pi) * 1 / 0.3 * phi ** 2 * horizon_ang_vel ** 2 * (1.0 + 1.38 * horizon_ang_vel ** 2 - 9.2 * horizon_ang_vel ** 4) ) da_TD_acc_only = 2 / 3 * 1 / np.sqrt(3) * ( 1 + 2 * np.sqrt(3 * r_iso - 2) ) - 2 * a * np.sqrt(1 - 2 / (3 * r_iso)) da_TD_Benson = ( 2 / 3 * 1 / np.sqrt(3) * (1 + 2 * np.sqrt(3 * r_iso - 2)) - 2 * a * np.sqrt(1 - 2 / (3 * r_iso)) - (1.25 * 10 ** -3 * 0.1 ** (-0.1) * 100 ** 0.2 * 10 ** (2 * 0.1) * jet_factor) * 2 / a * (np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2)) * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2)) ) da_ADAF_acc_only = L_adv(a, 0.1) - 2 * a da_ADAF_Benson = ( L_adv(a, 0.1) - 2 * a - (jet_factor * 0.3) * 2 / a * (np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2)) * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2)) ) eps_SD = ( 1 / 10 * 1 / 10 * ( 0.985 / ((4.627 - 4.445 * a) ** -0.5524 + 1.6 * 1 / 10) + 0.015 / ((827.3 - 718.1 * a) ** -0.706 + 1.6 * 1 / 10) ) * (0.9663 - 0.9292 * a) ** -0.5693 ) da_SD_acc_only = L_adv(a, 0.1) - 2 * a * (1 - eps_SD) da_SD_Benson = ( L_adv(a, 0.1) - 2 * a * (1 - eps_SD) - (jet_factor * 0.22) * 2 / a * (np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2)) * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2)) ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))"classic") z1 = np.array( [ 1 + (1 - x ** 2) ** 0.333 * ((1 + abs(x)) ** 0.333 + (1 - abs(x)) ** 0.333) for x in a ] ) z2 = np.array(np.sqrt(3 * a ** 2 + z1 ** 2)) r_iso = 3 + z2 - np.sign(np.array(a)) * np.sqrt((3 - z1) * (3 + z1 + 2 * z2)) da_TD_acc_only = 2 / 3 * 1 / np.sqrt(3) * ( 1 + 2 * np.sqrt(3 * r_iso - 2) ) - 2 * a * np.sqrt(1 - 2 / (3 * r_iso)) da_ADAF_Narayan = ( 0.45 - 12.53 * a - 7.8 * a ** 2 + 9.44 * a ** 3 + 5.71 * a ** 4 - 4.03 * a ** 5 ) plt.plot(a, da_ADAF_Narayan, linewidth=2, label="Thick disk", color="blue") plt.plot( a, s(0.01, a), linewidth=2, label="Thin disk, $f_\mathrm{Edd}=0.01$", linestyle=":", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, s(0.1, a), linewidth=2, label="Thin disk, $f_\mathrm{Edd}=0.1$", linestyle="-.", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, s(1, a), linewidth=2, label="Thin disk, $f_\mathrm{Edd}=1$", linestyle="--", color="red", ) plt.plot( a, s(10, a), linewidth=2, label="Slim disk, $f_\mathrm{Edd}=10$", linestyle="--", color="orange", ) plt.plot( a, s(100, a), linewidth=2, label="Slim disk, $f_\mathrm{Edd}=100$", linestyle="-", color="orange", ) plt.plot(a, [0 for x in a], linewidth=1.0, color="black", linestyle="--") plt.plot([-0.0001, 0.0001], [-200, 200], linewidth=1.0, color="black", linestyle="--") plt.ylabel( "$\mathrm{d}a/(\mathrm{d} M_\mathrm{BH,0}/M_\mathrm{BH})$", fontsize=24, usetex=True ) plt.xlabel("$a$", fontsize=24, usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis="y", right=True, direction="in") pylab.legend(loc="lower left", prop={"size": 13}) plt.minorticks_on() plt.axis([-1, 1, -10, 10]) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=8, width=1.2, which="major", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="x", direction="in", bottom=True, top=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.tick_params( axis="y", direction="in", left=True, right=True, length=4, width=0.9, which="minor", labelsize=16, ) plt.savefig("spinup.png", bbox_inches="tight")